Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Film analysis.

Comic book super-heros and masks.
The history Channel, 2003.
I think the main point in this film is exploring the developement in comic books and their heros.
Mainly exploring the inspiration behind the heros and their costumes E.c.t.
The documentary explains the developement of comics from 1938 ( The making of the first ever super hero, Super Man 'Klark Kent') All the way up to the 21st century.
The main points that I picked up in this documentary where how the first super hero inspired many others. Including Bat-Man, Wonder-Woman, The Spirit, Hot-Man, Flash And Green Lantern, These where all inspired by Super-Man and Bat-Man.

After these there became comics that where Super heros Vs Super Villians.

It was realised that comics where appealing more to the younger generation. So they tried adding teen/ kid, side-kicks to hero's comics to turn them into parent figures.

Captain Marvel was only just a child but had to use a key- word to turn into this big strong super-hero.

There was hate-mail about Captain America's comic that involved the War (WWII).

WWII Became the 'Golden Age' for Comic books.
Wonder-Woman was created by a Psycologist.
She was seen as the female Super-Man and was thought to have had "Better Gadgets than bat-man.

Comic books started promoting things like Recycling and how to be resourceful.

In the war, Hero's started losing their "Edge" .

After the war readers lost interest in hero comics because they where no longer needed for the moral support, or there where no more issues to base the stories on.
Readers became more interested in comics about talking/funny animals and Horror stories.
So super heros became less important.. Un-needed.
The creaters of super Man where essentially fired.
They tried to regain their ownership of Super Man but lost the battle.
Jails and Juvenile Detention centres where visited to observe the prisoners and the young offenders where all said to read comics. This is where the accusation that Comics where destroying our society.
Super Man, Fantacies Of Saddistic crimes.
Bat-Man + Robin, Accused of being " Homo's" .
Wonder-woman, Too masculine.

Comics then had to be approved by an association that held a code.
Comics weren't allowed to be too sexual, Violent and contain anything explicit.

And to fix these acusations:
Super man had to fight crime along with the law and government.

Bat-Man + Robin where more associated with women.


Just the few fact above just explain the documentaries motive. As it is pretty much just the history of comics, as it says in the title of the movie.

From the beginning of the movie it explains the making of comics the reason behind it and the inspirations in the comics, mask/costumes and story-lines.

And right the way through the film is a basic time-line of comics.

The comic time-lines also correspond with real historic events I.e, Wars.

They also try to shhow their respect these events by creating an emotional attachment between the hero and the event.

All-in-all I think that the movie is the time line of comics.. But also how history and the society moulds the story-lines in the comics.